Unscheduled Component Changes in DAX, MDAX and SDAX
ZUG (December 19, 2024) – STOXX Ltd., part of the ISS STOXX group of companies and leading provider of benchmark and custom index solutions to

ISS Governance Announces 2025 Benchmark Policy Updates
ROCKVILLE, Md. (December 17, 2024) — ISS Governance, a leading global provider of independent and objective shareholder meeting research and recommendations, multiple voting policy choices

BlackRock and STOXX Combine on BlackRock’s Launch of New ETFs Tracking Artificial Intelligence Thematic Indices
ZUG (December 10, 2024) — STOXX Ltd., part of the ISS STOXX group of companies and a leading provider of benchmark and custom index solutions

STOXX Announces Scheduled Adjustments to DAX Blue-Chip Indices
ZUG (December 4, 2024) – STOXX Ltd., part of the ISS STOXX group of companies and leading provider of benchmark and custom index solutions to

Changes in composition of the STOXX Europe 600 Index
Results of the fourth regular quarterly review 2024 of benchmark indices will be effective December 23, 2024. ZUG, Switzerland (December 2, 2024) – STOXX Ltd.

Unscheduled Component Change in SDAX
(Zug, November 25, 2024) – STOXX Ltd., part of the ISS STOXX GmbH group of companies and a leading provider of benchmark and custom index

ISS ESG Launches Customizable Climate Impact Report
NEW YORK (November 21, 2024) – ISS ESG, the sustainable investment arm of ISS STOXX, today launched a customizable version of its Climate Impact Report

Pridham Report: Q3 Disappoints After Strong ISA Season
LONDON (20 November 2024) – After an upbeat Q2 driven by a positive ISA season, net sales turned negative in the third quarter with retail

Statement in Connection with Fourth Annual Open Stakeholder Forum of the Best Practice Principles Oversight Committee
ISS is a founding signatory to the Best Practice Principles (BPP) Group (BPPG), a global group of service providers formed to address the recommendation of

ISS Governance Launches Open Comment Period for Proposed 2025 Benchmark Voting Policy Changes
ROCKVILLE, Md. (November 18, 2024) — ISS Governance, a leading global provider of independent and objective shareholder meeting research and vote recommendations and a unit

ISS Integrates DataDesk Analytics into ProxyExchange Voting Platform
ROCKVILLE, Md. (November 12, 2024) — ISS Governance, a leading global provider of independent and objective shareholder meeting research and agenda recommendations, alongside cutting-edge voting

Multi-Asset Fund Sales Turn Positive for the First Time in Five Quarters
LONDON (November 5, 2024) – Net sales of multi-asset funds, in the U.K. turned positive for the first time in five quarters in Q2 reaching