Below is an excerpt from ISS ESG’s thought leadership paper “Are All Bets Off for Gambling Companies?: Online Gambling in the Time of COVID-19” The full paper is available for download from the Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) online library.
- COVID-19 has pushed gambling companies to focus their businesses more on online gambling operations.
- According to ISS ESG Sector-Based Screening data, entities incorporated in the United States dominate the number of those engaged in online gambling production, followed by the United Kingdom, Sweden, Italy and Germany.
- From an economic value added (EVA) perspective, ISS EVA data shows that several gambling companies have benefitted significantly from the increase in popularity and growth in the online gambling business.
- Responsible investors should be mindful of the potential for increased harm to consumers of online versus in-person gambling establishments.

Mark San Agustin, Associate Vice President, ISS ESG
Rey Francis Galuna, Associate Vice President, ISS ESG
Maura Mercedes Santos, Analyst, ISS ESG
Anthony Campagna, Executive Director, ISS EVA