Russia Sanctions: How Far Will They Go?
Below is an excerpt from ISS ESG’s recently released paper “Russia Sanctions: How Far Will They Go?”. The full paper is available for download from

ISS ESG Provides Climate-Related Data and Reporting Under Eurosystem Central Banks Framework Agreement
NEW YORK (March 9, 2022) — ISS ESG, the responsible investment arm of Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (ISS), today announced it has won a tender

Women’s History Month: Women on Californian Boards
Since 1995, US presidents have issued a series of annual proclamations designating March as Women’s History Month to celebrate the contributions women have made to

A Wake-Up Call if Ever There Was One
The latest IPCC report highlights impacts, vulnerability, and extensive adaptation needs The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has just released the second component of

Robbins Geller Notches Top Spot Among Plaintiffs’ Firms for 2021 Securities Class Actions by Dollar Value
ROCKVILLE, Md. (March 7, 2022) –Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd ranked first among plaintiffs’ firms with nearly $1.9 billion in total settlement funds recovered in

Are We Cooking the Books with Methane? How Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Exchange Rates May Be Undermining Net Zero Targets
Methane is the less well-known but more potent greenhouse gas brother of CO2, and its role in climate forcing has been hotly debated recently. A

ISS ESG Launches Online Gateway to Deliver ESG Corporate & Fund Ratings
LONDON (March 3, 2022) — ISS ESG, the responsible investment arm of Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (ISS), today announced the launch of a new online

Incendiary Weapons and the Privatization of Arms Control
Incendiary weapons such as napalm or thermite bombs are not prohibited by international arms control instruments per se – as opposed to anti-personnel mines, biological

Data Snapshot: Board and Workforce Racial Diversity
Below is an excerpt from ISS Corporate Solution’s recently released publication “Board and Workforce Racial Diversity”. The full paper is available for download here from the ICS online

Season Snapshots: Korea KOSPI
Below is an excerpt from ISS Corporate Solutions’ (ICS) recently released paper “Season Snapshots: Korea KOSPI”. The full paper is available for download here from

2022 Latin America Proxy Season Preview
Below are key takeaways from ISS’ recently released Latin America 2022 Proxy Season Preview. The full report is available to institutional subscribers by logging into

Sustainability-linked Bonds and Loans: Avoiding Greenwash
Introduction Sustainability-linked Bonds (SLBs) and Loans (SLLs) are – as the name suggests – finance instruments with financial and/or structural characteristics ‘linked’ to environmental, social