Cyber Security Risk: A Growing Threat
A recent Cybersecurity Ventures survey predicts potential global cybercrime-related losses of $8 trillion in 2023, up from $5.5 trillion in 2021, with ransomware attacks hitting organisations

EU Female director quotas are coming: Is Europe ready?
By July 2026, all large, publicly-listed companies in the European Union will have to meet new quotas for the percentage of women holding directorship roles.

2022 Singapore Proxy Season Review
Below are key takeaways from ISS’ recently released 2022 Singapore Proxy Season Review. The full report is available to institutional subscribers by logging into ProxyExchange

After a Dreary Decade,
a Brightening Backdrop for Alts
While liquid alternatives have existed in some form for over two decades, the strong performance of equities during the bull market of the 2010s and

Dual Class Share Structures: The European Experience
While unequal voting structures in the U.S. are commonly associated with technology and media companies, there is no such industry specific tendency in Europe –

The Race for Critical Minerals
Industrialized countries around the world appear locked in a competition for finite mineral supplies critical to the energy transition. Countries and companies aim to reduce

2023 Korea Proxy Season Preview
Below are key takeaways from ISS’ recently released 2023 South Korea Proxy Season Preview. The full report is available to institutional subscribers by logging into

Statement in Connection with ISS’ Reply to State Attorneys General Letter
ROCKVILLE, Md. (January 31, 2023) — Today, Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (ISS) responded to a group of U.S. State Attorneys General to address issues raised

Active ETFs Emerge, Seeking to Soar
ETFs have in recent years made aggressive inroads into the market share previously held by active mutual funds, mainly to the benefit of passive approaches.

The Hangover: Will Fund Flows Recover in 2023?
Similar to waking up early after a long night out, fund managers and investors likely enter 2023 disoriented. Certainly, the year 2022 served up constant

Ride-Share Companies Uber & Lyft Faced With IPO-Related Class Actions
Prior to the first-half of 2019, both Uber Technologies, Inc. and Lyft, Inc. were high-growth private companies that sought to revolutionize the transportation industry and

ISS ESG 2023 Global Outlook Report Identifies Key ESG Risks and Opportunities for Investors
Report highlights 10 key trends of investor focus likely to impact portfolio risk-return and stakeholder engagement priorities NEW YORK (January 26, 2023) — ISS ESG,