Advisors See the Future of Their Businesses—and Mutual Funds are Not It
The infamous 20th century bank robber Willie Sutton said he robbed banks “Because that’s where the money is.” The modern retail investment product order has

Cannabis in 2022: Blazing On or Up in Smoke?
Below is an excerpt from ISS ESG’s thought leadership paper: Cannabis in 2022: Blazing On or Up in Smoke? The full paper is available for

Alleged $1 Billion Fraudulent Scheme Results in Tentative Settlement with Infinity Q – Other Actions Remain Active
Investors appear one step closer to recovering losses from an alleged massive fraudulent scheme that led to the collapse of a near $2 billion mutual

Biodiversity and Aquaculture: Is There Tension Between Food Security and Marine Environments?
Introduction As food demands have increased globally, aquaculture—the cultivation of fish and other marine life—has emerged as the fastest-growing form of food production. While the

2022 Japan Proxy Season Review
Below are key takeaways from ISS’ recently released 2022 Japan Proxy Season Review. The full report is available to institutional subscribers by logging into ProxyExchange

The S Factor: Social Impact Considerations in the ESG Fixed-Income Market
Below is an excerpt from ISS ESG’s Thought Leadership paper The S Factor: Social Impact Considerations in the ESG Fixed-Income Market. The full paper is

Act I: To ESG or not? That is probably not the question
Investment trends do not form in a vacuum. They are impacted both by coincident developments within the investment arena and broader social and/or regulatory changes*.

Corporate Equity Plans: Where Shareholder Comfort Meets Administrator Flexibility
A well-managed corporate equity plan is always a balance between assuring shareholders that their interests are protected and giving management the flexibility it needs to

Real Assets: Bridging the ESG Gap
KEY TAKEAWAYS Investors in unlisted real estate need to apply a custom approach to environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. Incorporating the best elements of

In the Race to Serve Intermediaries, Fund Managers Face New Playing Field
Since the start of the century, intermediaries have witnessed dramatic changes in how they interact with clients and how they are paid. Over the period,

Rise of Sustainability Officer Pay Reflects Corporate Priorities
Corporations are increasingly adding the role of Chief Sustainability Officer to their executive teams — at pay levels that place them among the top five

Institutional Shareholder Services Announces Results of Global Benchmark Policy Survey
ROCKVILLE, Md. (October 10, 2022) – Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. (ISS), a leading provider of corporate governance and responsible investment solutions to financial market participants,